Toward a fully decentralized security layer

In the light of the recent development of Web3, it appears as a proper security layer is missing, leaving the blockchain exposed to different kind of scam and malicious behavior.

Polyzoa's goal is to provide such layer.

The layer will be acting in all respects as a separate blockchain, with a consensus mechanism and different node types, each of them participating in the overall ecosystem.

In figure 2 we have not specified which network is responsible for the execution of a transaction, as the system should be chain agnostic.

Of course, the nodes could change their check algorithm and tailor it to a specific chain.

In figure 2 above we can identify:

  1. Operator nodes: scope of operator nodes is to check if a transaction is safe to be propagated to the executing network; to do so, they will use data coming from the Archive nodes and processing coming from the Generator nodes; the operator nodes can also, if enabled, submit unknown data to the generator nodes for real-time processing

  2. Archive nodes: they just serve historical records of data already processed; they will be updated once new data become available

  3. Generator nodes: these nodes are responsible for processing transactions and generating new data when those are not available in the archive; each new processed data will be submitted to a consensus mechanism before they can be accepted in the archive nodes; each generator node can act as a validator.

  4. Consensus node: responsible for orchestrate the consensus between the different validators.

All data entering the system will be subject to approval by a consensus mechanism, similar to the one happening in a blockchain.

Each generator node acts as a validator: new data entering the system will be broadcasted to all the validators, each of them will validate the data and the result sent to the consensus node for approval.

Validation: when we talk about validation, we are actually talking about calculating the risk score of a transaction and of all the addresses involved in the transaction itself.

When the consensus node has collected all the score data, its algorithm will select with data are secure to be accepted in the system and become parts of the system itself, in a mechanism similar to the one described in the operation part.

A consensus mechanism is necessary to prevent bad actors from introducing bad data into the system.

What we achieve with that


A possible roadmap

Last updated